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Daycare Information
Daycare is ONLY for enrolled students
The cost is $4/hour billed in 15 minute increments
If you arrive after 6:00 pm to pick up your child, you will be charged a late fee of $1/minute
Daycare schedule
K-5th Grade
6th-12th Grade
6:45 am - 8:00 am DAYCARE
8:25 am - 2:55 pm SCHOOL
2:55 pm - 3:15 pm CARPOOL
3:15 pm - 6:00 pm DAYCARE
6:45 am - 7:45 am DAYCARE
8:10 am - 3:20 pm SCHOOL
3:20 pm - 3:30 pm CARPOOL
3:30 pm - 6:00 pm DAYCARE
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